After settling into married life for a couple of years, Ken entered the third Street Fighter tournament. By this time, a Brazilian teenager named Sean had been pestering him to become his student, and Ken reluctantly accepted, beginning to train him. He fought Sean and won against him in the tournament, however during the course of it, he drops out when realizing Ryu was defeated by Oro. Ken begins to train his son Mel in rudimentary fighting techniques. He also told Sean to go find Ryu and challenge him, giving him some free time with Eliza.
Though bored, Ken hears about a mysterious organization and goes to investigate, and may have confronted Urien. He does win his third straight U.S. Martial Arts tournament victory, which is a new record, and offers the trophy to Sean, although his student says he wishes to earn it for himself. He also learned that Ryu had sought him out and traveled all the way to New York from Oakland for their long-awaited rematch. Tossing some friendly jabs at each other, both have a good fight that Ryu wins. Since then, Ken has continued to train Sean and Mel, handle his family and business, and keep up with his old friend Ryu.
Personal Action
When you perform Ken's personal action (+), his attack power increases for all of his moves except throws. His personal action can hit twice, but do not combo.
Street Fighter III
Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
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